Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The List -- More Thorough This Time

Ever forward flows the sands of time, and as such, a look at The List is long overdue... Time to once again take stock of my published games, as well as current and back-burnered designs and prototypes... this time a more thorough list:

Published Games:
Terra Prime (BGG)
Eminent Domain (BGG)
Eminent Domain: Escalation (BGG) (expansion)
Eminent Domain: Exotica (BGG) (expansion)
Eminent Domain: Microcosm (BGG)
Isle of Trains (BGG)
Eminent Domain: Oblivion (expansion)
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (BGG)
Dungeon Roll: Winter Heroes (BGG)
- Gold West: Bandits promo (BGG)
- Gold West: Trading Post promo (BGG)
- Yokohama: Achievements & Free Agents promo (BGG)
- Brainfreeze

Finished But Unpublished Games:
Exhibit (BGG)
Eminent Domain: Chaos Theory (dice game)
Dice Works (BGG)
Wizard's Tower (BGG)
Now Boarding
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (expansion)
Suburban Sprawl
- Watch It Played

Current Active Designs:
Deities and Demigods
- Crusaders expansion
- Eminent Domain Origins

Recent Designs That Are Not On The Front Burner:
Alter Ego (BGG)
The Pony Express
Moctezuma's Revenge
Joan of Arc

Old Standbys - games which have been around, 1/2 done and untouched, for years:
8/7 Central
Hot & Fresh
Reading Railroad
All For One (BGG)
Odysseus: Winds of Fate (BGG)

Old Ideas that Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet) - some of these have been getting stale as well:
Investigative/Tabloid Journalism
Red Colony
Clash of the Kingpins
Time = Money
Dating Game
Ticket Please
Scourge of the High Seas
Rondel Role Selection
- "Worker learning" adventure game
- Cruise line game
- The Untouchables
- Day labor job based on craps

Misc and Really Old Stuff:
- Blockade Runner
- Roman Emperors (my version of someone else's game)
- Admirals of the Spanish Main (my version of someone else's game)

Let's take a closer look at some of these:

Published games:
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (BGG)
Deluxe and retail versions of Crusaders are being manufactured as I type this. Estimated delivery is this summer (June or July, 2018), though I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a little late.
- Promos (Dungeon Roll, Gold West, Yokohama)
I added some promos to TMG games that I designed and that are now out there in the world. I did not design the original games, but I did create those promos.

Finished But Unpublished Games:
Exhibit (BGG link)
No change here. I'm still disappointed in the status of Exhibit. A European publisher was very interested, but a difference of opinion on whether a certain person's IP rights were infringed caused it to be canceled altogether. I checked with an IP lawyer to ensure that my understanding was correct, which it was, but I don't blame the publisher for not wanting to get into the middle of it. The whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth. It's too bad, because the game is good.
Now Boarding
I worked on this with Tim Fowers, who's since published several games via kickstarter: his co-op game Burgle Brothers, his 2 player deduction game Fugitive, Paperback, and Hardback. He took Now Boarding in another direction, finished his version, and I'm currently awaiting my kickstarter copy. I don't expect I'll do anything with my old version.
Suburban Sprawl
My entry to the DHMG/GTG dexterity game contest also fits their previous contest, using only about 56 cards. In Suburban Sprawl you toss cards into play to build Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Civic buildings. I'm going for a light, quick game with a sort of SimCity feel that's easy to learn and play. Matthew Dunstan helped with this one, but it did not win the contest. Maybe it'll see the light of day some day, but I haven't tried to pitch it to anyone yet. I was thinking maybe TMG could set it in the Flip City universe, with similar artwork, but I'm afraid that perhaps a dexterity game might not go over too well with our audience.
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (expansion)
Dan Keltner and I created an expansion to Isle of Trains for Dice Hate Me/Greater Than Games to follow up our contest winning entry. We submitted the final game to them quote some time ago (December 2015 I think), and they kept planning a Kickstarter, then delaying it for various reasons. However, Chris Kirkman assures me that they're still excited about it, they've started getting art done for it, and that it will likely go up on Kickstarter in 2018. I'm still waiting to see if that occurs :)

Current Active Designs:
Deities and Demigods
Another attempt at Deck Learning, Deities and Demigods is like a role selection game, but the game calls the roles, and in random order. Players will have some control over which roles are in the deck, and can upgrade their efficiency at each role. The effects of the roles will allow players to move armies around a map in an effort to complete quests/tasks and control cities.

I put a lot of work into this one, and I think it's close to done. I had added a bunch of player powers to try out, and I did a little of that, but I think there's a balance issue with one of the roles (Hephaestus is too big of a deal), so I stopped testing player powers until I fix that. Unfortunately, I haven't played it since September 2017. I do not think co-designer Matthew Dunstan has either (or if he has, I haven't heard about it!)
A new idea that I quickly made a prototype for and I've tested a few times so far. The idea is that you work in a factory making robots, so you make robots to work the assembly line for you. But why stop there? With an army of robots behind you, you could take over the factory, the city, or even the world! It's a worker placement game where you get and exchange resources in order to build more robots from blueprint cards. Each blueprint has a specific cost, a strength, and an ability, but any blueprint can be built out of scrap to just be a simple robot with no ability. So far it seems to have potential, but it still feels like an early design.

Recent Designs That Are Not On The Front Burner:
Alter Ego (BGG link)
Mike's always been a fan of this one. Alter Ego finally shaped up a while ago, but I just haven't been playing it, so it hasn't finished up. I had hope that with a little TMG Utah input and some nice art, this could potentially be ready for a GenCon 2016 release, but that never came to pass. I need to get this one back on the front burner and finish it up!
Moctezuma's Revenge
This one ALMOST returned from the dead, as John Gilmour started to work on it with me, but that was short lived, as he had something come up and couldn't devote the time to that project anymore. Still, revisiting the game brought some improvements to it, so some progress was made. I don't know if or when I'll revisit it again though.
I had an idea to do a follow up game to Orleans about Joan of Arc, co-brand it and put it out as a TMG/DLP partnership. I have made some good progress so far, but I still have a lot of work to do on it. In the game, players are each a different saint, giving visions to Joan of Arc. That is to say all players control a single Joan of Arc figure on the game board. You'll move her around, train her in different weapons, and have her win battles for points or in-game benefits. The action is driven by a bag building mechanism, where you draw tiles out of your bag and place them on your player board, then activate certain subsets of them. Unfortunately, I got really busy with other games, and this one slipped to the back burner.

Old Standbys - games which have been around, 1/2 done and untouched, for years:
Odysseus: Winds of Fate (BGG)
I keep circling and iterating on this one. I need to implement the most recent change ideas and try it again. This is basically the story of this game's life... so I've moved it to the "Old Standbys" section.

Misc and Really Old Stuff:
In an attempt to capture the feel of 9-ball, in this game you play cards from your hand or from a face up pool to represent making a shot. You keep playing cards until you decide you're done, or until you play a [BALL -> POCKET] card, sinking a ball in a pocket. If your shot both began by hitting the Object Ball and ended with sinking a ball, then you may begin another shot by playing another card. Otherwise, you refill your hand and it's your opponents turn. The player who sinks the 9 Ball wins the round.
Blockade Runner
Originally designed for a card game design contest (never entered), then co-developed with another designer, this game was intended to be published at one point but that fell through. Then later it was intended to be published by another publisher, and I sold my rights to it in order to facilitate that. The game never did come out, which means I believe any rights I signed away have reverted back to me, but I'm not sure what good that does me. This quick game of bluffing and double think is destined to live on the shelf.
- Roman Emperors (my version of someone else's game)
BGDF member Juan Carballal had a game I found very interesting in which players take turns running the Roman Empire. It's not a cooperative game, you want your stint as Emperor to be remembered as the greatest time in Roman history - but since players take turns controlling the Empire, the resources are largely shared. I think the game has a ton of potential, but I don't think the designer and I were seeing eye-to-eye on some of the specifics of how it should work. I'm also not sure what the designer did (if anything) with it since I saw it. I think it would be fun to one day take a stab at making "my version" of that game.
- Admirals of the Spanish Main (my version of someone else's game)
Another game by Juan. we were trying to make a "dice building" game which did a better job than Quarriors, and he came up with a game about hunting pirates in the Spanish Main. It was a good start to what I was looking for, but it was too random, and my friend Andy Van Zandt and I worked on trying to mold it into what I was really looking for... in the end though, many playtesters said that if they're playing a pirate game, they want to BE the pirates, not hunt them, so we eventually gave up on it. I think the game had some good things going for it, but for whatever reason it just wasn't all the way there.

Everything About PUBG

What is PUBG?     

Everything about PUBG

        Everyone knows about PUBG these days. PUBG is an online battle royale game. The developer of PUBG is Brendan Greene and it is published by PUBG Corporation. It is a survival game in which a maximum of 100 players can participate. The players will kill each other in a map until the last player remains alive and wins the match. The winner gets a "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER" slogan

              PUBG is available in platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, PS4, and Xbox One.

 Gameplay of PUBG

           Each match starts with players parachuting from a plane onto a selected map area. At present, there are 4 playable maps and these are Erangel, Sanhok, Miramar, and Vikendi. Once they land on one of the four maps from the sky, players search in houses, towns etc. to find many items and equipment including weapons, vehicles, and other surviving tools. Once a player is dead, his clothes, guns, ammo, etc can be looted by other players. 

           After every few minutes, the safe zone or playable area of the map begins to shrink down and the map becomes smaller and smaller enhancing the chances of an encounter of remaining players. If a player remains out of the safe zone, his life begins decreasing until his death.

        During the game, a plane flies over various parts of the playable map and drop many necessary packages. These packages contain special and rare items which are very rare to find in the normal houses or towns. Players in greed of getting those items encounter their enemies and thus a war begins making more players end up their life. 

        The players keep fighting until the last player wins the match by defeating all other remaining players. The winner then earns a " WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER" promotion. The player also earns some in-game currency with which they can buy accessories from the game store.


Besides the 4 maps of PUBG as described above, it is rumored that PUBG will launch their fifth map Venezia in the global 0.12 or 0.13 version. 
              It is said that the developer of the map is James Coreman. He is an employee at the PUBG Corporation. It is also believed that the map has been inspired by a city in Venice, Italy. Venice is a city in Italy which is well known for its large number of canals, bridges and small islands.

To know more about the island click here.

To know about the sad story of Erangel click here.

To know about the dark horror story of Sanhok click here.

To know how PUBG earns money click here.

To visit the official PUBG click here.

To know more about PUBG click here.


Monday, April 1, 2019

Playing Some Guild Ball

Once our local Scrum (month long Steamroller) has finished, I kind of got sucked into Guild Ball again.  This is a fairly odd development, partially because I haven't played the game in roughly 7 months.  Back in July of last year I had to stop all miniature gaming to help my wife through the end of the pregnancy and then birth of my youngest daughter, but before that happened I was a bit upset at the way Guild Ball was played because of how imbalanced things were.

Of course when I stopped gaming, Steamforged released an Errata in July that largely fixed a lot of the problems, and while I was raring to get back into Trolls as soon as I could start gaming again, a few things pulled me into playing Guild Ball and I've really been loving the game all over again.  I figure I'll go through what that was, as well as some of the things I really like about the game in general.

Pulling Me Back In

During the same month of our Warmachine Scrum, a Guild Ball Scrum was also being run, with some playing in both games.  This was handled as promotional event that would allow players who played to get a Lucky model. Since my first team was Brewers and my friend Brian has no intention of playing Masons or Brewers, he was kind enough to give me the model.

Lucky is my first PVC model and Steamforged is making all new teams come in very cheap $50 boxes with 6 PVC models that require no assembly, plus some extra terrain.  They also recently changed the Official Play Document to say that you can now use unpainted PVC models in their tournaments. While I'm pretty good at modeling, it's not really my favorite thing to do, so this kind of setup seems great to me, it's also a great value for starting a new guild.

Another old friend of mine, Kevin plays mini games off and on, but he's not a modeler or painter, so this PVC setup is perfect for him.  After talking about it and him watching us play at the local shop  Kevin ended up buying the Kick Off set which has to be one of the best values in miniature gaming at the moment.

Since he was free to come over on Friday's when my wife would get a girls night out, I could strap my youngest to my chest, have my oldest help roll dice, and get some extra games in each week!  I effectively became Kevin's unofficial Pundit, teaching him the game.

Since I already played Brewers and they're considered a lower tier team, myself and others recommended Kevin start with the Kick Off Masons, which is actually quite a strong team. 

Since then I've basically spent the last three weeks playing only Guild Ball with my gaming night out and then again on Friday's while my wife has her girls night out.  I've gotten double the games in for nearly a month now!

I'm actually good friends with Paul who runs the My Life With Dice YouTube Channel and you can see me play my first game of Pin Vice ever, and my first engineers game in 6+ Months:

Please note, I'm extremely rusty here - many mistakes were made.

Since then, I've been playing some Brewers, Engineers, and I've purchased the last few models to flesh out my Union - getting something akin to Guild A.D.D.


One of the nicest thing about Guild Ball is the fact that it's a small model count game that has as much intensity as larger miniature games.  Small model counts plus the fact that you're really only ever painting a model once (ie. no units with duplicate models), it's so easy to get a fully painted force.  This has triggered a kind of OCD for me to immediately paint my Guild Ball models within a few days of purchase.

I'm not a good painter by a long shot, but I truly enjoy playing with fully painted forces, and that's hardly ever the case when I play Warmachine (or when I played 40k or Fantasy).  As such, I really like how achievable it is to play fully painted in Guild Ball.

The game is also nice that you are encouraged to build an optional goal post for your teams that can let you flex your hobby muscles if you wanted. I was excited to finally use my old Bugman's model from Warhammer Fantasy, mostly because it enabled me to put a beautiful Dwarf model I love on the table and actually have it be fun (Dwarfs were miserable to play with and against back in Fantasy). He makes a great Brewers goal post.

My Guilds

The game is also sort of dangerous since it's really not expensive to get into a guild at all, and that was back when everything was metal and starters only came with 3 models.  I started with Brewers with a few Union models added slowly over time, then got a very different team in Engineers to play a more goal scoring game, and then it was "only two more models" (Captain and Mascot) to make a fledgling Union team.

Coming back into the game in the last month, I elected to buy the last few models I wanted to flesh out my Union with Grace and Benediction and getting a captain I'm very excited to play in Blackheart.  Since Brewers are more of a Take-Out team, and Engineers a more Goal-Scoring Football team, the prospect of playing an all 2" Melee team lead by Blackheart that can adapt to whichever game plan I want, but easily do 2 Goals - 2 Take Outs to win is very appealing to me.



As it is, every model I own besides Lucky is metal, and after assembling the new Grace and Benediction models, I really am looking forward to when I can just buy PVC models from here on out.

Gaming Nirvana

Out of all the options I have to play with in Guild Ball at the moment, I'm spoiled for choice and I'm liking the way things are going. Apparently the game still has some balance issues with Thresher and Farmers, and Corsair Fishermen are still a bugbear in the meta - but supposedly an errata is coming soon.  I've not played against either of those things yet though, and I'm not good enough to expect to win against competitive players so I just look forward to playing and learning in the near term.

Plus with my Hooch Hauler finally arriving, and with two local players getting the new God Tear early access/beta set, I've got a LOT of really interesting gaming time coming up in the weeks and months ahead.

I hope to put up some more content for each of the games I'm playing shortly.